In 3025 border tensions with the Taurian Concordat rose to a point where war was inevitable, as the Taurians laid claims to border worlds like Qalzi. Coromodir was chosen as the capital and the noble House Arano and House Espinosa became the leaders when the Arano family displaced the figurehead governor the Taurians had left behind in 2820. In 2910, after the major factions abandoned the area for more than a hundred years, a new state-the Aurigan Coalition-sprang up, centered around the noble families of the trade worlds Coromodir, Guldra and Tyrlon. Its optional storyline, narrated via a "breadcrumbs" trail of storyline missions that the player may follow or ignore, is broadly concerned with the Arano Restoration: The game is (mostly) set around the year 3025, near the end the Third Succession War. Given that many named worlds will belong to one of the other, larger powers on canonical star maps set later in the timeline, it is understood that the Aurigan Reach and the realms therein are struggling minor periphery powers barely considered noteworthy by the Inner Sphere. The Aurigan Reach was created for this game, including many of its named worlds that had not been mentioned in canon before, by fleshing out what had mostly been a blank slate in previous BattleTech canon.

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The game is set in the Aurigan Reach region in the rimward periphery, beyond the Free Worlds League, the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns and between the Taurian Concordat and the Magistracy of Canopus. In addition, there is a meta-game with economic and role-playing elements where the player gets to run his or her own mercenary unit (default name "Marauders", though the player is free to give it any other name) and manage their assets including MechWarrior characters between missions. Mission objectives vary, and while missions are procedurally generated there are also a number of pre-generated missions that serve to narrate the storyline (see Plot Synopsis below). Game rules and unit stats were altered significantly compared to standard " classic BattleTech" tabletop play.

The game features turn-based 'Mech combat scenarios at its core, where the player gets to control up to four 'Mechs. Steeped in the feudal political intrigue of the BattleTech universe, the game will feature an open-ended Mercenaries-style campaign that blends RPG ‘Mech and MechWarrior management with modern turn-based tactics. This sourcebook canonized the key worlds, characters and events from the game (but not the game as such). While the game as such was not declared canonical, CGL have since published a sourcebook– House Arano (The Aurigan Coalition)–that was written by HBS's Andrew McIntosh and Kiva Maginn. Bills explicitly stated that it was intended for the game's storyline to be fully canonical. However, there was some cooperation between Catalyst Game Labs and HBS regarding this game.
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Jordan Weisman of FASA fame, often called the "creator of BattleTech", was involved in the making of this game but it was technically produced under the offshoot license for BattleTech computer games that has been a separate intellectual property from the original tabletop BattleTech game, sourcebook and novel line ever since FASA's Virtual World Entertainment Group (and the computer game rights with it) was sold to Microsoft in 1999.

Computer games are excluded from the current definition of Canon for the BattleTech universe.