Condor 2 mommies
Condor 2 mommies

I'll also be adding regular updates of the birds and their stay at my mom's.

#Condor 2 mommies update#

In the interest of transparency we will update this page as we learn the costs of cleaning and repair and let everyone know how much we raised for these amazing charities. Friends of the Condors helps fund breeding programs (many of which the birds at my mom's were hatched at!), support biological refuges, and do community outreach for the California Condor. Ventana Wildlife Society works to help release, monitor, and advocate for the California Condor. Whatever the total is we do not want to make any profit off of these amazing birds and their time at my mom's so we will donate any excess money to the Ventana Wildlife Society and Friends of the Condors. Many of you have been nice enough to offer to chip in to help clean up and repair the damage so we would love to take the internet up on this kind offer! We don't know the exact damage as we have not been able to get someone out to inspect the roof or assess the damage to the railings, but I estimate it's close to $10,000 in total between cleaning, repairing, and replacing items. Even tho she appreciates her condor kids and is enjoying watching them soar thru the skies over her house they are causing a lot of damage with their big talons and party kid behavior and she is a retired teacher on a fixed income. It's been over a week since they arrived and they seem quite comfortable at my mom's house and are still hanging out on her roof and deck regularly. While we're all awestruck and amazed that breeding programs have been so successful that this bird that nearly went extinct and was down to about 22 total now has enough numbers for 20 of them to hang out at my mom's all at once. As many of you know around 5/2 upwards of 20 endangered California condors decided to throw a little party on Cinda Mickols' (aka my mom) deck and roof causing quite a bit of damage.

Condor 2 mommies